To put it simply, there’s way to much information on the internet. This abundance of information directly impacts your web presence and the only way to solve that problem is by making your presence stronger. If your web presence is weak it should be fairly obvious because your business may be suffering. The good news is that it doesn’t have to! There are many new strategic marketing plans that span through multiple channels to bring that business back to you. It’s a buyer’s world now! This has been a game changer for the world of marketing and if you don’t know how implement these new strategies it may be time to consult a professional. So why is your business suffering? You can start by thinking about the points I will now highlight.
You are using prehistoric means of marketing and your webpage is outdated
Consult an expert, your business is suffering because your website has lost visibility. Your business does not need to suffer, you just need to embrace the new technologies that will resuscitate your website. An expert can help your business develop a new strategy that will maximize your search engine optimization (SEO), which is crucial for success in today’s digital world. Their are numerous ways to increase your visibility: paid search management (PPC), web site development, social media outlets, blogs, and so much more. Let the new tech-savvy marketing experts do the work and you will reap all the benefits. They will help you develop a cost effective marketing strategy that is specifically tailored to your needs and goals.
Internet searches are now using location based techniques
If you want to traffic more business locally you need to get on the local “map” which automatically pushes your business higher on the chain of organic listings. There are multiple ways to get on the map: claiming your listing on Google places, enriching your “key words” and descriptions, linking other websites to your page, and asking others in your industry if they will link your page to theirs. Use any means of generating more traffic to your site and it will move up the chain.
Your former paid search strategy is costing you more than it’s worth
An expert can analyze your actual conversion rate per click and teach you how to implement the right strategies that will make those clicks count. You must develop aggressive tactics, such as, developing a standalone landing page and direct your PPC traffic there. While the purpose of a website is to inform and educate, the purpose of a landing page is to engage a prospect, with the ultimate goal of converting them into a customer. There are various ways to engage a client, one of the best practices used is a “call-to-action”, which allows the viewer to to interact with your landing page. Examples of this include: signing up for your newsletter, reading and sharing your content, or filling out a form. This is where you must shine, if your content isn’t great then it is likely your viewer will just move to another, more interesting site.
Are you taking advantage of the all the social media sites
This is crucial, you must take advantage of social media sites such as: Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn. All of these wonderful sites not only increase your visibility but they help generate traffic to your webpage. More traffic = more leads. If you want to dig even deeper you can find other websites within these websites and others that have even better tricks to reach the masses.
Does your response time lag
If a potential customer reaches out to with a question you better have a system in place to respond…and fast. It’s that simple, if you can’t get back to the customer quickly they will move on to someone that can.
If you are in the home improvement business here is my call-to-action: get a team of marketing experts to help you get back in the game, where you belong!