You mass email, what you think, will be widely accepted by your recipients, only to receive one complaint after another, all shouting SPAM! It makes you wonder why they subscribed in the first place, and why they don’t just unsubscribe instead of making you feel like you’re sending out a malicious scam. Don’t Fight
In terms of acquisition and conversions, email is significant. It’s rarely what converts a visitor to a lead or customer, but it’s usually what guides prospects through the buying process. By law, one can’t mass-email a list of prospects who haven’t elected to receive emails from you. Their original conversion, or when they provided you
Questions about blacklists are not uncommon at Citirex, which is why we want you to be aware of a few things before you start to worry. Finding out that you are blacklisted sounds downright intimidating, but the problem is probably not as bad as you think. Keep in mind that some blacklists are more useful,
What is IP Warm-up? IP warming can be defined as the methodical process of adding email campaigns by volume week after week to a new IP address to create a positive reputation with the recipients’ Internet Service Providers. Internet Service Providers or ISPs treat all emails from new IP addresses with suspicion until some form
The U.S. Senate recently voted 50-48 to nullify the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) privacy rules that were implemented during the Obama presidency, on March 23, 2017. The rules had been put in place to limit how broadband providers/carriers could use customer data. The new privacy rules contrasted with the existing privacy guidelines of the Federal Trade
Email Analytics: What You Should Be Tracking Email marketing is a core element for many businesses, and some even thrive on it. The power that a well-planned email campaign can have is truly amazing and incredibly effective. Well-optimized emails can grow your subscribers, generate tonnes of leads, convert existing leads, and drive huge sales. While
Email marketing is the lifeblood of many businesses and an experimental procedure for others. Regardless of where you fall into the spectrum, you could still be making some crucial email marketing mistakes that may be costing you subscribers, leads, and sales. One of the most crucial mistakes that email marketers make is in regards to
The Future of Email Marketing Emails have been around for over two decades now and have enabled people to communicate with each other on a global scale in a very short amount of time. As with the conception of much technological advancement in communications, new ideas are also created for marketing with these advancements. It
It’s no secret that email marketing is a very powerful tool for driving sales and maintaining a loyal customer base. Having an email list is the backbone of many businesses because it allows them to tap into existing customers and also build a list for prospects too. What a surprising number of people are doing,
With the incredible rise of the use of mobile devices, it’s no wonder that they have overtaken desktops as the most preferred method for using the Internet. That’s right, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets now account for 51.2% of all the Internet traffic worldwide. With over 2.6 billion smartphone users globally and the